Important Note:The model you have selected has more than one serial number which may mean that some parts are serial number specific and therefore may appear multiple times in these search results. If you have the serial number available then please select it from the list below to ensure you get the right part first time.
karcher window vac serial number
How to use: Locate your Karcher model number, then click "Download PDF" in the corresponding column, which will open the PDF file in a new browser window. Scroll through the PDF file diagrams until you locate your particular part. Note the reference number beside the part item, then scroll down or click the next page button within the PDF. Locate the reference number in the left column, then scroll to the right to find the needed part number.
Once you have located your machine's product information label, you will find that the model, part number and serial number are clearly displayed. When buying spares or accessories, you will need the model and part number to be able to accurately identify your machine and check compatibility with the spare or accessory you are purchasing. 2ff7e9595c