No. Please do not feed the deer. Feeding deer makes them vulnerable to predation and vehicle collisions, among other things. Fed deer tend to travel more in the winter going between feeding sites and exhaust their fat stores. Unfed deer tend to travel less, stay in natural winter deer yards, and conserve their resources to survive the winter -- the natural survival strategies that have served them for eons. Another concern is that feeding deer can make them more vulnerable to disease. Diseases such as Chronic Wasting Disease could seriously threaten New Hampshire's deer herd, and feeding of deer creates the highest potential to spread the disease quickly if it shows up in the state. For more information on why you should not feed deer, download More Harm Than Good . To learn more about making your yard more attractive to wildlife -- naturally -- try downloading UNH Cooperative Extension's document, New Hampshire's Native Trees, Shrubs, and Vines With Wildlife Value
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